Suburb Profile

Supply Demand History in Petrie Terrace

2015 Apr132048
2015 May111949
2015 Jun121648
2015 Jul101494
2015 Aug101536
2015 Sep71003
2015 Oct6783
2015 Nov111263
2015 Dec9800
2016 Jan81006
2016 Feb91145
2016 Mar101454
2016 Apr101605

More Recent Sold in Petrie Terrace

Address Sold Price
19 Cricket Street 3 $835,000
187 Hale Street 2 $625,000
67 Wellington Street 3 $920,000
17 Sheriff Street 3 $1,175,000
48 Sheriff Street 3 $685,000

More Recent Rent in Petrie Terrace

Address Price/Week
70 Princess Street 4 $1,400
4/182 Petrie Terrace 2 $525
15 Auburn Street 2 $780
7/8 Petrie Terrace 2 $950
4/28 Mountjoy Street 2 $450

Demographics of Petrie Terrace

All People133771627570
Country of Origin4000Brisbane
Australian Born68%74%
Born Overseas - Top 54000Brisbane
United Kingdom7%6%
New Zealand4%4%
Hong Kong1%0%
Age Statistics4000Brisbane
20 to 3944%33%
40 to 5931%28%
5 to 1910%16%
0 to 42%7%
Family Statistics - Top 54000Brisbane
Never Married44%33%
Religion - Top 54000Brisbane
No Religion24%17%
Uniting Church6%9%
Presbyterian and Reformed4%4%
Occupation - Top 54000Brisbane
Managers and Administrators9%3%
Intermediate Clerical/Sales/Service6%8%
Associate Professional6%5%
Elementary Clerical/Sales/Service2%4%
Education - Top 54000Brisbane
Not Attending (Working)75%73%
University or other Tertiary Institution15%6%
Secondary Education3%7%
Technical or Further Education3%2%
Other Education2%1%
Transport to Work - Top 54000Brisbane
Car (driver)13%26%
Car (passenger)3%3%
Worked at home2%2%
Type of Dwelling - Top 34000Brisbane
Separate house41%80%
Nature of Occupancy - Top 34000Brisbane
Fully Owned20%37%
Monthly Loan Repayment - Top 54000Brisbane

Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Map And Street View

Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.

Petrie Terrace, QLD 4000 (1.46 km to CBD)

Median House Price


Median Unit Price


Closest Train Station

Milton station 0.88 km

Selected Demographics of Petrie Terrace

  • - Number of House
  • - Number of Unit
  • 13377 Number of People
  • - Median Age
  • - Median Household Size
  • $0 Weekly Rent
  • $0 Weekly Individual Income
  • $0 Weekly Family Income
  • $0 Weekly Household Income
  • $1,150,000 Median Asking Price
  • $620 Median Rent
  • 0.03% Rent Yield
  • 24 Stock On Sale
  • 3.61% Vacancy Rate
  • 10 Average Supply
  • 1504 Average Demand
  • 155.57 Supply Demand Ratio

Leading Agencies (Sale)

Ray White - Paddington 14%

SPACE Property Agents - 10%
Belle Property - Paddington 7%
Place - Paddington 6%
McGrath New Farm - NEW FARM 6%
McGrath Estate Agents - Paddington 5%
Arthur Conias Real Estate - Ashgrove 3%
Glynis Austin Properties - Ray White Real Estate 3%
Place - New Farm 3%
Belle Property - Wilston 2%

Leading Agents (Rent)

Agent NamePercentage
Ray White - Paddington14%
Belle Property - Paddington14%
Total Property Management - Paddington9%
Rental Express - Brisbane8%
Place - Paddington8%
SPACE Property Agents -5%
RE/MAX Profile Real Estate - Paddington5%
Place - Newmarket5%
Professionals - Ashgrove4%
Ray White - South Brisbane2%